Today is a good place to be.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week 34

Down to the home stretch... I am excited and anxious to meet my little girl. I am starting to get things ready, like sweet little clothes, and hopefully the crib up this weekend, and continually preparing my children to the change they are about to face. I am thinking and rethinking all of my plans- when I will feel up to visitors, when to have people come and help me, when to try to do it on my own. I want to set a calendar right now, but obviously I can't do that with the actual date of arrival up in the air. Thankfully I have very flexible friends and family who surround me, but I hate "winging" it. I am planning a trip to Costco next pay day to get some diapers and wipes of course. We haven't purchased those in years! With Leila we had several month supply worth. With Nathan, we had a good amount too. I haven't even though to buy any with this one. Thankfully Coscto just put out a coupon book that included diapers. (If anyone wants to buy me a baby gift, diapers woudl be awesome- and you don't have to make it the Costco size either!) I also will be getting some food so I can make freezer meals like crazy. If I can freeze up a dozen or so meals I will feel fantastic about my preparations to care for my family, while laying around holding my baby and letting my children get thier yearly allotment for TV.

I went in for my doctor appointment. I will go in again in 2 weeks and start seeing her weekly. I am measuring on the bigger side, but am still within normal range(Yes, many of you tell me how good I look, but she is simply spread over a longer torso and taking up every spare inche she can find. Its not unusual to feel toes in my ribs and aches on my pelvic bone at the same time.). Both my Doctor and I think she will be a big one like her brother and sister and I am completely open to an "elective induction" based on size. Both Jeremy and I have talked about how fun it would be to go into labor on my own. How will we know its really it? Would it happen in the middle of the night? Would we be rushing around getting stuff together for our bag? Would I yell at Jeremy on the drive to the hospital?

Since I was induced with both Leila and Nathan we didn't experience the sometimes comical and exciting trip into the hospital. We were able to pack the night before, get up and shower- me put on make up and make sure my hair looked good for the pictures. This was nice. The planner in me really really really liked being able to make sure my tots were taken care of and have family notified ahead of the game. And my induction experiences were not horrible like many women say. In fact, they were great. Leila's took a while, but Nathan's took only a few hours. My body with both Leila and Nathan was ready to- dilated and in Nathans case, already contracting. Maybe this time we can really go in on our own, but I KNOW I WILL NOT TURN DOWN an opprotunity for induction. While my babies were big: 9'1" and 9'5", I am sure I am physically capable of birthing a bigger child. But why test that out? The damage a big baby does to the pelvic wall is significant, and at this point with all the discomforts and other issues I am going thru thanks to this little 5 lb boulder inside of me I will gladly accept an appointment to meet my newest angel. By the way, I get in bed at night and have several painful contractions before I fall asleep-- this is why I worry I won't know if its the real thing or not- I have even woken up with one once or twice. So, I am learning to ignore them since its normal. Maybe in a week or so I should start timing them.

Baby K is cooked pretty much all the way. She is gaining weight and letting her precious brain grow and is getting squished everyday just a little bit more. The acrobatics going on in my tummy are now simply jigs and jives a person would give from a seated position. She is head down and she better not think about changing that position or her momma will have somthing to say to her when she gets out.

We love you baby-- come soon!


Amy said...

Look at you! You are an absolutely adorable pregnant mother! That is a fun photo of you with the kids! Its hard to believe how close you are to having sweet little baby K. Seems like only yesterday you were telling me the good news! Hang in there and know that I am here for you whatever you need. If you want a Freezer cooking Saturday, I'm totally there!

Breezy said...

Yeah I can finally comment on your posts! I have been an avid follower. Ben and I will be up this weekend to get our house ready to put on the market and we'll probably see you on Sunday. I'm so excited your baby is almost here and wish ours was closer. I haven't slept in weeks and I still have three months to go!

Christy said...

Everytime I think about your new little girl I get so excited :) Just cannot wait to meet her!! I'm envisioning another curly red-head, haha! Only because my red-head lost her curl, yours has to have it :)