Today is a good place to be.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Night!

When witches go riding, and black cats are seen
the moon laughs and whispers, 'tis near Halloween.
 -19th century Halloween postcard

My Dark Princess, My Kitty Kat, and my Scooby Dooby
Doooo.  Happy Halloween my Sweet Babies.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Remembering what we were going through a year ago--- hardly seems like it happened at all.  But it was sure traumatic when it did. 

We have an ultra sound set up for the end of November.  Since Kathryn has had no issues, I fully expect them telling us how amazing she is and that we never have to see Dr. Lashly again.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Pumpkin Patch!

Being a traditionalist, when I first had kids I assumed we would stick to the same pumpkin patch each year.  I changed my mind when you drive several miles out into the country and see some different and cute set up. 

This year was Jeremy's choice of Sauvies Island.  He has fond memories of hunting pumpkins here during his childhood.  We went on a beautiful fall day with our good friends The Daley's, and Grandma Conser and Cousin Carina joined us as well.

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A very nice day was had by all!

There is always planning and prepping when it comes time for the carving.

The Finished Product:  Three little Pumpkins, and their pumpkins.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This baby makes me ALMOST want to do it again....

Thankfully I have a new nephew coming in a few weeks (YAY!)... and two dear friends that I am doing nice things for and billing them in baby holding time.... (They may not realize that yet, but I am keeping very close track).

Thank you other mothers of the world for having babies for those of us who are done!  You are very kind.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Parenting 101

Having had my first two children very close together provided me a lot of challenges.  Not being the most patient mom around combined with a quick temper resulted in a home with a lot of yelling and crying, by all family members.  As the years have gone by and the children have learned better to reason, I too have learned more patience and calmness in dealing with them.  Things got a little crazy with a sick baby last year, but I do have to sit back and give myself some credit that I have grown significantly in the area of parenting.  I still have a long way to go, but I do believe, with help, I will continue to be a better Mom.

One day at church several years ago we were sitting in a lesson when a lady, whose children are all grown and married, mentioned that she had struggled with her anger as a young Mom.  She said we are not doomed to stay that way, we simply need to go to our peers and ask them how they handle situations.  Seek out someone you admire and get advice.  That was almost too easy.

I thought a lot about the Mom's I see that instead of yelling at their kids, quietly take them aside and discuss an issue at hand.  I thought of the Mom's that truly smiled at their children and praised them for even the tiny accomplishments the children would boast about.  I thought about the Mom's that took the time to teach their children  life lessons, such as how to be independent, or self sufficient, instead of doing it for them.

I have a lot of Mom's that I want to be like.  I am blessed that I can call many of them and ask them a very broad and general question and they take it upon themselves to mull it over in their minds and get back to me with amazing advice.  It might not always work for my family, but the fact I have people who take the time to give me feedback on how to raise my precious children is simply priceless.