Today is a good place to be.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This baby makes me ALMOST want to do it again....

Thankfully I have a new nephew coming in a few weeks (YAY!)... and two dear friends that I am doing nice things for and billing them in baby holding time.... (They may not realize that yet, but I am keeping very close track).

Thank you other mothers of the world for having babies for those of us who are done!  You are very kind.


Christy said...

I'll let you watch her any time to get your baby fix :) That's the best part, getting to enjoy other's little babies and then handing them back! Kathryn is so cute with her too. You sure you don't want another? hahahahaha

Tonya said...

I'm done, too. And it feels so right!

But I do love a good baby snuggle. And sometimes it makes me almost want to have another.

But Mostly I love to hand them back:)