I also love my friends. Jeremy asked me yesterday why so many people love me? I said I have no idea, but I am so thankful I have them. Thank you to my friends. You keep on checking in with me, even though I get very reclusive at the end of my pregnancies and don't reach out nearly as often. Its nice to have such a great support system. I think supporting each other as women with our many different needs and many different strengths is one of the most powerful forces in the world. I love supporting my friends, and I marvel at the support I receive. I can't thank you enough.
Oh-- an
d I love pedicures. I splurged and got myself one this morning while my kids were playing at a friends house(See how loved I am! Friends take my children just to give me a break! How in the world do I deserve this?). I got a manicure too since it was Chinese new year special for only 10 more dollar. It is my firm belief babies need the red toes to help them know where to go. Every pregnant woman needs someone else to paint her toes a nice bright color. Not only is it good for the baby, but soon we will be able to see our toes again and we want them to be cute don't we? So friends, find yourself pregnant? Don't have the cash for a pedicure. Call me: I will give you one!
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