Today is a good place to be.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a girl has got to do to get a break...

My body has definitely told me to SLOW DOWN. I have been so busy this pregnancy, probably doing more than usual, pushing thru the hard times. I am finally starting to feel better and have more energy when I started spotting pretty badly and went to the ER last Tuesday(9/16). I had some light spotting earlier in August and I now figure it was because of this issue. But I do know from having children in the first place that my earlier spotting was my body telling me to take it easy anyway. Tuesdays episode was heavy enough my doctor told me to get in to the ER right away. I had several blood tests done, and an ultrasound where we saw that our baby has those beautiful big conser lips that Jeremy and Nathan both have. We also found out I have placenta previa, which isn't as scary as it sounds, but the results of this diagnosis is to take it easy as in modified bed rest. Yuck. But, luckily I can still do stuff- make simple meals, drive kids to preschool. Just no exercise(not sure about yoga yet, I will wait to verify at my next appointment) or heavy housecleaning(folding laundry on my bed doesn't count as heavy house cleaning). Oh, and I have to take iron pills too.

The kids are trying to be more helpful, and thanks to my sister taking them the first two days and my mom coming over to help me out a bit around the house and meals from several people who love me the bleeding has stopped as of yesterday(9/19). I feel much more comfortable with the bleeding stopped, but still need to take it easy. I go in for another appointment next week and they will simply start monitoring my placenta to be sure it moves up to where it should be before game day(day of delivery). Only about 10% of these cases diagnosed early are still a problem at delivery time, so odds are I will be just fine. That along with all the prayers and well wishes of those who love me. And if it doesn't move up, the doctors are aware and will know what actions we need to take at delivery to ensure optimal health to both me and my baby.
Of all the things that could go wrong, I consider myself lucky. Being told to take it easy isn't the worst thing in the world to hear- I have to push away all of my feelings of being lazy and unproductive and wasteful because my insides are quite busy taking care of the baby and my body. Its hard work to grow an organ and a baby after all. I realize how important I am to my family. Not only am I growing and caring for a child inside of me, I have two beautiful children and a husband who love and depend on me for so much that I have to take care of myself. Thankfully I am getting the support I need.

For those who have offered, thank you so much. It just helps to know you are out there, and I promise, I will call you if I need you. Thanks to those of you have already helped me and are planning to in the next few days. It really does take a village to raise a child, and in my case I am needing a village just to get thru this part of my pregnancy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will update you if anything changes, but I only see positive changes and a normal pregnancy ahead of me.

Here is my growing bump.

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