We were married on Sept. 15, 2001- the Saturday after the planes flew into the World Trade Centers in NYC. We met at our work MEI and had pretty much everyone in the company excited for us(one day I will blog about the long story on how Jeremy and I met, and finally started dating a year later- but not today). We felt we could not stay local and celebrate our wedding day without inviting everyone from work. They meant a lot to us, but we just didn't want a big deal, nor did we want to pay for a big wedding. I dreamt of going to Hawaii or the Caribbean to get married with bare feet on a sandy beach somewhere, but we also knew our families couldn't be with us, and that was very important to us. So we decided to tie the knot in Sunriver, OR- just west of Bend. Far enough away to escape the obligations of inviting the world, but close enough we could drive there. We found a great home with an atrium and indoor water fall. Our families joined us. Jeremy's brother Chris was the only one scheduled to fly in, but he drove to attend from San Francisco-- we were grateful he made it. My sister Amy was on bed rest for her pregnancy with Annalina and couldn't make it, but she listened by phone. We also had two couple friends that had been with us pretty much from the beginning of our relationship. It was small, but sweet, so very sweet.
As everyone in this country, we were struck by the violence of the 9/11 attacks. But getting married after these attacks ended up giving us the respite we needed. We turned off the TV on Friday and didn't turn it back on until Sunday. We were reminded during our wedding by the sweet Bishop who married us that we never know when its our turn to go. How many people left for work that day and didn't come home? How many people rushed out the door and didn't kiss their loved ones good bye? He challenged us to kiss each other goodbye every morning and kiss hello every evening. We have been pretty good about that, missing a few days here and there.
7, or even 10 if you count our unmarried years, later we have gone thru a lot of changes. We both have changed and adjusted for the other one. We both have learned more patience and less selfishness. We have built a comfortable life together, and it was truly together we did so. I am so grateful to have found my special someone to discover the greater things in life. And the journey to this discovery has been amazing. He definitely makes me a better person. He makes me laugh. He makes me think. He does drive me crazy, but that is something I have adjusted to most of the time.
Jeremy: I love you. Thank you for loving me.
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