Today is a good place to be.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Birthday Events-mostly songs...

I love birthdays. Especially now that I have children and can celebrate theirs! Yay!

Leila had a wonderful day today. She got up early before Daddy went to work and we all sang to her. Nathan and I had to go to his eye doctor(His eye is improving, but still needs more time to determine if he needs surgery or not), so my BFF Annie happened to have today off and she took Leila for the morning. And boy did they have fun! Leila helped Annie shop for a baby shower, and Leila picked out Spooky Halloween Barbie, which Annie bought for her. She did Leila's hair. She painted her nails. Leila had a blast and wasn't so happy to return home to me.

At school she was sung to twice! She was in charge of treats and picked out rainbow m&m cookies and fruit snacks. Yum. She came home with a crown and a lot of well wishes as well as a magic towel with Clifford on it. After school I needed to run out to my Dads, so she was able to be sung to by Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Beth. Gabe and Zach smiled at her. When we got home we had a message from Grandma and Grandpa Conser with a song on it. Annalina called up and she and her mom sang to her. We had a visit from Lucy and Carson with a card and some cookies. We baked her Birthday Cake- Leila helped and was very excited about decorating it. Daddy came home and sang to Leila AGAIN! Then Leila picked to go out to Red Robin for her Birthday Dinner. In my home we would get to go out alone with mom and dad. That is a tradition I would like to start very soon- maybe next year. At Red Robin Leila had another BIRTHDAY SONG(she wasn't super impressed, but Nathan was- see video)! She was sweet and shared her ice cream with Nathan. Then we came home for some cake and yet again, ANOTHER SONG! Yahoo! All I can say is thank goodness we don't have to pay royalties to anyone from singing this song. Leila was cute and would make a "sssssss" sound when the birthday song started. We opened gifts and she was very excited to have Cinderella from Nathan. She really liked her Horse Shirt and Pink Converse from Mom and Dad. She also looks forward to reading her Baby Bear book while holding the stuffed animal bear from the book. She had a special package from Belgium, and cards from Belgium and McKenzie River. She did ask at the end of the evening that we don't sing to her anymore.

My kid has some self-control. She was able to hold of on opening her packages and cards for several days. Nathan and I wrapped up her presents while she was at preschool. They were sitting out when she got home, and she didn't even try to peek! She did want to open them before dinner, which we felt was just fine.

WOW- Can you believe my baby is 5 years old! 1/2 of a decade old! 5 years ago holding this new little person I couldn't even imagine her doing the things she does today. She is so confident, she is so talented. She is simply an amazing person. One I am so glad I know. One I am so glad I have in my family so we can be linked to each other forever.

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