Six months Little Miss Kathryn has been in our home- but we've loved her for well over a year now- I loved the idea of her for many years before that.

Kathryn has almost doubled her birth weight, being 18 lbs, 9 oz. She is 28 inches tall/long. She is doing all the appropriate baby things for her age.

I love doctors appointments for baby/kid well-checks. Time to just talk and discuss my beautiful child(take your pick of which one) with my doctor and reflect on how amazing they are. Kathryn has been in to see the doctor so often lately I feel like setting up a standing appointment every two weeks. After her last appointment I set up an appointment with the urologist in Sept. In talking to my doctor I asked her if she wanted me to move the standard 6 month check up until after that so we could discuss. She said no. "Your child is more than the problem at hand." I like that.

Kathryn loves her Mommy. She is very mommy-dependant. Not even Grandma or Aunties can seem to hold her for very long before she demands me. Leila and Nathan loved being held by others. They were very social and there were days I felt they would rather have someone else instead of me. I wondered what it would be like to have a more shy, more dependant child, maybe I even wanted my children to have those traits. Now I know. I am very thankful Daddy is a close second to Mommy. He is able to hold her more than anyone else can. I think its thanks to my asking him to change her diaper first thing in the morning before he goes off to work. Even though she wakes up to my face, its usually Daddy's smile and kisses that start her off while he cleaning her up. Soon, it will be Daddy tending her at night to get her off the midnight buffet.

Leila and Nathan amuse her to no end. Nathan walks into the room and Kathryn starts to giggle and her limbs start going crazy. Leila will sing and use her most entertaining voice with the baby(which I do not appreciate so much) and that completely cracks her up. I can tell she is excited because her entire body responds to the people in her close family. Voices excite her, faces impress her, songs and jokes completely amuse her. She is a happy baby, even though you might not be able to tell if her mom isn't holding her.
She is eating cereal and various fruits and veggies. Daddy is dieing to give her some chocolate, but I say no. She does not like a pacifier, even though I am STILL trying to force it on her. She will play with it, but it doesn't sooth her. She usually has a finger, two or three or five in her mouth. She likes to suck on my hair when I hold up on my shoulder. She LOVES drinking out of my glass, and does pretty good with it too. Many times I have seen in her eyes that she wishes she could get around to play with her brother and sister. I am sure she will be more motivated to catch up and play with them.
It won't be long little one... in fact, it will be all too soon. We love you Baby Kathryn with every heart we have.
Congrats Baby K, on being the wonderful baby your mother wished for!
Such a cutie! Isn't it fun to gush about your baby! Wish we cuold be close to each other to enjoy our babies together :( Thanks for keeping us updated!
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