In the chair:
My daughter has two holes in her head. She got her ears pierced today, and is thrilled, but not without a little trauma.
When I was a girl I watched my sisters wait until the right age to get their ears pierced. I was #3, so when I decided I wanted mine done, my mom took me to her friends house who had a earring gun and we had them pierced. I think I was around 8-ish- I can't really remember. I have always taken good care of my ears and never had them grow together. I didn't want to put an age limit, rather I decided to let Leila decide when she was ready. I will admit asking her numerous times if she was ready yet, but she always told me no.
This week she decided she wanted her ears pierced before pre-K is let out so she can show her friends. I then tried to talk her into waiting for her birthday- what kind of mother am I? We tried to get a few people to come with us, but it didn't work out, so the four of us(Nate and Kathryn joined us) headed out to Claires.
Leila was so brave. They had a little bear to hold on to, and she did. The first one went in and she looked like she was going to cry and maybe vomit. She immediately tried to get off the chair and I had to remind her they needed to do the second one. She swallowed her fears and held her breath for the second one. Same reaction. She looked tortured, that is until she saw her reflection. She has been all smiles since. My baby girl is growing up! Fun times!
Wow! Great bravery, Leila! I always hate going to the mall and seeing little tiny babies getting their ears pierced. It makes me want to cry to see them cry. I really have to walk away.
So CUTE!! We'll have to see if it rubs off on Elizabeth now :) Can't wait for her to show them off to us!
How cute! My sisters and I had to wait until 12. That is, until I tried doing it myself at 11 1/2 and scarred my ear. In which my mom broke and the family rule became 11 1/2 for all of us.
I've just planned on waiting until 12 for my girls but there are days when I think, but it would be so cute! My neices have theirs done at birth because it is a Brazilian custom and they are adorable.
Congrats, Leila, on growing up!
xoxo the W's.
Those earrings look so cute on her! She is looking so grownup these days! It is hard to believe your little girl is getting ready for Kindergarten!!
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