Today is a good place to be.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Election Day- Not here soon enough!

Politics- ugh! Will Nov. 4th get here already?

I am not the most political person around. In fact, I might even say I am non-political. While I do believe voting is an important action on my part, I do not like discussing politics. I do not like listening to others discuss politics. I do not like making decisions when I feel either option is not optimal. I don't like making decisions when I am not completely sure what the question even is. There is so much crap flying around that the actual issues are no where to be seen. I don't trust politicians, because ultimately they are soliciting for votes and will likely say what needs to be said to earn those votes. It takes someone with true integrity to follow thru on their word and their commitments to the voters- most politicians are not that someone. Its not in their job description.

I do not belong to either major party and am registered independent not only because I am a very independent person, but also because at 18, who can commit to a political party? And I did register to vote at 18 and am proud I did so. I am still independent because while I am more on the conservative side, I am open minded or possibly even liberal enough that some of the more conservative matters don't feel right. I am concerned about who has my back and I could care less what party they are affiliated with. Me and my family are struggling thanks to the economic state, and I am not talking about the crash we had a few weeks back, but am talking about the general slow down we have seen over the past several months and year. Who is coming to my aid? Who will bail me and my husband out? Why can I not get these simple questions answered instead of getting distracted by all the other political issues that are going on? These other issues I am sure is as important is the economy, but feeling quite egocentric right now, I want to focus on what is right for my family, and how we are going to be taken care of by a government who claims to want to take care of its people.

I've been reading the voters pamphlet at night after the kids are down. You would think my insomnia issues would be taken care of by now, but no, I just think more. I often find myself thinking I understand the issue, then I read the supportive and opposition statements and begin to wonder what, if anything, these arguments have to do with the real bones of the matter. Is this each person interpretation? Did they have the measure explained to them by someone who wrote it? I also find myself looking at who is writing these statements- very suspicious when it is a person running for office with one, and then their party affiliations with several more. Makes me wonder if they are trying to pull something over on me, or are they really so passionate they feel the need to have so much said one way or the other. I like to think its passion. But the cynic in me doesn't quite buy that.

I feel pretty good about my votes. I have made most of my decisions, although this is like a test, the second I turn in my ballot, I am sure will have forgotten most if not all of my answers. Too bad I won't be able to discuss it with anyone. I am grateful I have the opportunity to vote- or even choose not to. I lived in a country where it was ILLEGAL to NOT vote! The fact this is our freedom to vote, and we are all part of this democracy by living in this country more people should vote, but I often wonder if we were forced if we would have a lot more write-ins, or maybe feel a little distrust in the outcome if someone is just punching because if not they will be fined, assigned community service or put in jail(though I doubt many actually go to jail).
I will be glad the commercials will be off the TV. I will be glad the phone calls will stop. I will be glad the mail will slow down, although my kids have enjoyed coloring or cutting up the mail that has come in- they love getting mail. Can't wait for 11-4-08. Look forward to seeing who will win President because we are in desperate need of change. The cynic in me doesn't think whoever is elected can make those changes in 4 years.

So its time for my civic duty again. My one vote really doesn't matter-- it is the act of my voting that matters. The act of your voting matters too..

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