We started our process on fixing Nathan's eyes. I took him in to his first appointment- and he screamed and fussed- I was sweating and exhausted by the end of the appointment. It was a long wait, then they dilated his eyes for an even longer wait. He didn't like anyone trying to make him look at anything. He didn't like anyone messing with his eyes. Our sweet little Nathan has had an aversion to doctors of any kind since he was small. I attribute it to his asthma and allergies- he was in to see the doctor way more often than Leila(Who loves any girl doctor by the way). He was fitted for glasses, which he refused to wear. Finally we just used drops in his good eye(drops instead of a patch- if he won't wear his glasses, he will no way wear a patch) to make him use his weak or "lazy" eye(some mothers think the term "lazy eye" is just too derogatory for their wonderful children- I use it because everyone knows what it means and I don't have to remember the real word for it.)
So, we switched insurances when Jeremy got his new job in Feb. Now we are at it again, basically starting over. That is OK though, we just want to help him. We waited for a long 50 minutes to get in(after waiting 30 minutes they called out "Nathan" and another boy and his mom stood up, so we had to wait even longer-- thanks to Jeremy asking how much longer at 45 minutes they realized their mistake and got us in quite quickly. But we still had to wait another 30 minutes for his eyes to dilate- it was a long appointment, I was glad Jeremy came with us). Those of you know me, know patience is just something I don't have a lot of.
Today at his appointment we found he can use the old prescription in his glasses(Which I cleverly brought with me). The doctor put the glasses on his face and he left them there. There was no screaming or kicking at this appointment. He wore his glasses all the way home. Yahoo- I felt very successful at this point. But once we got him home he announced he did not need to wear glasses inside. I wouldn't give him a popsicle until he put them back on(with help from Daddy telling him this over the phone.)
The doctor said the plus with his eyes crossing later on in life(or rather not from birth), is that glasses can usually fix the problem, and eye surgery most likely will not be needed- but she couldn't guarantee that. So here is hoping he keeps these specs on his face and we can avoid the surgery route! To all friends and family, if you see Nathan wearing glasses, please tell him how cute or handsome or big he looks. If you see him without his glasses, please ask him where they are(Unless I motion for you not too). This kind of feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope will give him some confidence to keep wearing them.
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