Leila has been wanting to take an ice skating class for ages now-- probably since the beginning of last year. I have hummed and hawed. We didn't have the money for a while, so the class was not an option. When we got our tax return money we decided to splurge and let her have a go. She was so excited and was sure she would be an instant pro. She wasn't. Ice Skating is hard. She was pushed to the limit of her comfort. I could barely watch my sweet little girl so uncomfortable out on the ice, not knowing exactly what to do, not sure exactly how to ask for help. I wanted to be out there with her, except I wouldn't do much better.

Last week she got her progress report. She is good at falling and getting back up(yes, that is an area they "grade"). Her posture is good. She needs a lot of work in all the other areas. But, the cooperation was a big fat "E"- that is 'e' for excellent. She is enjoying the class. She only has two more classes- one being tonight. I think she enjoyed it and I might let her do it again(although I might push dancing a bit harder).
It was hard for me to watch her be independent and learn on her own desired skills. She started the class clinging for her life to the assistant teachers, she can now cross the rink all by her self. So the video attached may not seem like anything special, but she has come a long way. I on the other hand still tense up as I watch her little face concentrate so hard on this fun new skill she is learning, but am impressed at her determination. Isn't that smile on her what its all about anyway?
Last week she got her progress report. She is good at falling and getting back up(yes, that is an area they "grade"). Her posture is good. She needs a lot of work in all the other areas. But, the cooperation was a big fat "E"- that is 'e' for excellent. She is enjoying the class. She only has two more classes- one being tonight. I think she enjoyed it and I might let her do it again(although I might push dancing a bit harder).
It was hard for me to watch her be independent and learn on her own desired skills. She started the class clinging for her life to the assistant teachers, she can now cross the rink all by her self. So the video attached may not seem like anything special, but she has come a long way. I on the other hand still tense up as I watch her little face concentrate so hard on this fun new skill she is learning, but am impressed at her determination. Isn't that smile on her what its all about anyway?