I took a little break from blogging-- all I can say is tired is the one constant thing right now. I look forward to the next few weeks passing so I feel more human, but then I get sad thinking about the next few weeks passing because that means my newest angel will grow and change and I can't do a thing about it.
Our house is very emotional right now, with me as the emotional leader. The kids LOVE their sister, but are driving each other nuts. We are a very happy family, just a little wild and crazy with pure emotion running freely.
Here are some of my favorite pics from these first few
These feet belong to my two girls
Cute pictures! Cute kids! Hope the sleep part gets better soon!
I hope you get more rest--I know how you feel. Your ready to be done being tired, but not ready for the time to go by for your baby to get big. I still have a hard time putting Bret down to accomplish my everyday tasks. Call me if you need anything or if you need Nathan to come over for a couple hours. We're almost always around.
Cute, Cute Family!!! Those girls are so fun, boys too. You are doing great at loving every moment. What a good mom! We would love to have your kids over if you want a break. Good luck on the sleep. Alesha
I love seeing the pictures and hearing your thoughts. You are such a sweet mom and have a precious family! Congratulations to you all!
All I can say is awwww..... my eyes are a just a bit misty at the pic of the two girls' feet. That might have to be blown up b&w and hung somewhere special. What a keepsake.
Oh, she is so sweet! I wanted to come last week to see you and then the FLU came to visit. YUCK! I remember feeling so tired. Give yourself time to rest and don't feel bad about it. A well rested Momma is a much happier Momma:0)
I think God makes women stronger for moments like these. I have never met a well rested mother. Prayers for comfort and rest for you and Daddy J.
It makes my heart happy to see the picture of you holding your sweet little baby. She is so perfect! If you can just survive the lack of sleep. I remember just feeling like I was in this haze for months. You'll come out of it. Don't worry.
Such cute pictures. Perfect models I guess. I need to come see for myself. I've been thinking about you all day.
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