Our sweetie arrived on 2/17/09 at 2:42 PM She was 9 lbs. 6 oz and 20 inches long.

Labor and delivery went great. Nursing is going wonderfully. So far she is my easiest yet.
She has lost some

weight and is an 8 pounder now- the size of a normal baby- but now that my milk is in I plan on fattening her up pretty quickly. We are dealing with jaundice yet again, but we were prepared and her levels are dropping already.
Sister and Brother are thrilled to have her. Mom and Dad and releived she is here.

We love you little Kathryn
I still can't get over her little fat rolls :) My kids never had them, they all had skinny little chicken legs! Haha. She is beautiful, Megan. Glad you are home safe and sound. Looking forward to spending more time with her and you of course :)
congratulations! She's gorgeous!
Congratulations! I am very happy for you and look forward to hearing all about her and seeing pictures!
So cute! Congratulations! I'm glad everything went well. I love her name!
Yippie! So glad things went well and she's a good baby. My third was also that way, it helps a lot.
So happy she is here and all is going well...hope your recovery is fast!
Her face and hair are so precious! I talked to your Mom and told her to have you call me when you felt like you could. I'm so glad everything went well. You look great you hot Momma!
That pic of you holding her has to be one of my favoritest all time photos ever! The look on her face, looking up at you, your beautiful smile. That one moment captured a little piece of heaven right here on earth! I love that little baby, she is such an angel, and so are you!
I feel so lucky I have already had the chance to hold her. She is so beauitful and sweet. And yeah for big babies. Take care and let me know if you need anything.
Yay!!! Congratuations, Megan!!! So glad things went well and continue to go well for you both!
Hang onto that jaundice info and how you got on top of it so quickly for me, okay? I just might need it.
Just so happy for all of you! Congrats again!
CONGRATS!!! 9lbs 6 oz. holy moly. My sister's baby was 9 lbs 1 oz and she was a chunky little sausage roll. I am glad to hear that all is going well. She is adorable and I can't wait to meet her. I am glad that Leila is an excited big sister.
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