This will not be a post of complaint--although I am miserable and completely ready to get rid of the free-rider. I am trying my best to keep a good attitude and enjoy my last few days with only two children. Please don't ask me how I am- I will lie and tell you fine(The girls noticed a slight growl the other night under my breath when I answered that way!). I had a fun evening of bunco with some of my girlfriends Friday night and enjoyed my last "girls night out" before becoming a mother of three.

(yes, that is my tummy)

A mother of three? What did you say? Everyone tells me its the third that puts you over the edge. Its the third that is the hardest adjustment. Its best to stop at two. I, being a #3 child, resent these statements. But hearing them so often scares me just a bit! EEEEeeeek! So, if you agree with aforementioned statements, please don't tell them to me. Let me live in the wonderful land of ignorance is bliss thinking life will be simply perfect with my three little angels perfectly behaving all the time.
(yes, that is my tummy)
A mother of three? What did you say? Everyone tells me its the third that puts you over the edge. Its the third that is the hardest adjustment. Its best to stop at two. I, being a #3 child, resent these statements. But hearing them so often scares me just a bit! EEEEeeeek! So, if you agree with aforementioned statements, please don't tell them to me. Let me live in the wonderful land of ignorance is bliss thinking life will be simply perfect with my three little angels perfectly behaving all the time.
We had a fun day Saturday. Jeremy was able to purchase a discount ticket to the auto show, the kids were free, so I decided to join them as this was possibly our last outing as a family of 4. (I can't help thinking everything is the last time all the time...) We took the max, stopped for a bite of lunch
, and journeyed into the city. We had to take a shuttle because they were working on the max lines in downtown, so it made for a bit less than comfortable travel. I was hurting before we even arrived. We saw some really
cool cars- they had a special exhibit of 100 years of cars- we saw cars older than my Grandpa(He is 94)! They also had the exotics, and all the new models. We sat in several cars/vans/crossovers, the kids sat in more. It would be fun to get a tricked out car or mini-van(our van has only auto locks since we are so cheap), but just looking was fine. I was hoping to walk the baby out, but no, I woke up this morning feeling like a normally pregnant woman. Bummer- maybe cars isn't her thing? I have had suggestions of taking her to a scrapbooking convention or a purse and show convention, maybe she would have joined us that afternoon?

We got home and I took a nap. We
went to church today and I keep hoping is my last trip to church for a while, I might not show up next week even if I am still pregnant. I can't take the questions or comments anymore. I should have been wise like some of my friends and told everyone she is due in March or April. When we got hom I took a nap. My slight complaint is whatever side I am sleeping on, the baby will curl up under my rib and apply some constant pressure resulting in my waking up in extreme pain. Owchy... come baby, come out please! Soon---but don't ask me how I am or when she will be born. ;o>

My parents brought over some dinner for us to enjoy- I sure love eating food that I don't cook. :o) Thanks Mom and Dad. Jeremy cut Gabe's hair because he was looking like a Beetle. Nathan got in trouble for hitting the camera down and making the screen go red(he was in time out during this photo). I was really mad- we do not need our camera broken right before the baby. Obviously I was able to take a few more pictures and everything downloaded OK. Phew!
The third one is the best, really it is! You know what you are doing, you will be more relaxed! You are absolutely going to enjoy your new little bundle of joy! Can't wait!! Oh yeah, the fourth is pretty cool too, just for future refernece!!
Soon, Megan, soon!!!! My #2 was a lot harder then #3. I think this little girl is going to be a doll and you'll have it all handled :) And for those days you don't you call me and leave the older two with me so you can have and enjoy time with the little one :)
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