So today my Son wore his very first Band-Aid. He turned three in DECEMBER. Why am I remarking on this? He hates band-aids. My Daughter will put a band-aid on a pen mark or a mole. She even put a band-aid on mark on a wall once, but my sweet Nathan doesn't like band-aids. He gets hurt and rarely wants to be fussed over. He has needed band-aids in the past, and we have forced him to sit with us while we put pressure on his owie in hopes we can skip the band-aid step, and thanfully we were able to skip it.
He had a doozy of a scrape on his hand about a week or two ago, it wasn't so bad, but the scab was bad and it kept getting caught on things and it hurt him, it bled all over again. Just let us bandage it up buddy! At my dear friend Kimberlys house on Tuesday his jacket pulled the scab again and it started bleeding. She tried to entice him with a Sponge Bob Band-aid. He was having none of that and declared Leila needed to hold it. Of course she found a very old owie that really needed to be covered up with it, so I let her, not really sure there was actually an owie there. He found it on the floor this morning and asked me to put it on him. I was so excited he was up for it I didn't even care it was gently used. It had lost its adhesive, so I pulled out my adhesive from scrapbooking and made it work. He did put it on his owie, even thogh it had healed up. At the store today he picked out his own box of NASCAR band-aids and he is wearing a new one right now.
Have we turned a corner?
Will I be able to perform basic first aid on my very accident prone three year old?
Stay tuned for developments in this case...
Will I be able to perform basic first aid on my very accident prone three year old?
Stay tuned for developments in this case...
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