OK- So its official. Tonight I signed up for the Lebanon Sprint Triathlon. I have been committed to attending this event for several weeks now. My Aunt Renetta participated in her first triathlon - the Beaver Freezer- back in the beginning of April. It was an experience that has changed her life and resulted in much personal growth. I have always wanted to do a triathlon- she talked me into committing. I am so grateful for her support and enthusiasm.
I have been training. I am not a runner, but want to run as much of the race as I can. I have been out biking several times and am not as fast as I would like. I surprised myself by swimming tonight and actually not killing myself.
I am trying to stay positive and keep my spirits up about this whole thing.
I am struggling with strong feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure, and just plain negative "you can't do this, what are you thinking" voices in my head. This experience will be a huge confidence builder as well as a great way to get into shape and hopefully get rid of this baby weight. Plus it will be fun to be on this journey with a woman I love so much.
What do I have to do:
Swim 500 Meters
Bike 12.5 Miles
Run 3.1 Miles
What do I have to do:
Swim 500 Meters
Bike 12.5 Miles
Run 3.1 Miles
YES!!!! I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
18 days
I did not know you had a blog...how fun....Your's is really cute!! Gosh, you have adorable family.
I am excited that you are excited... I am so grateful that I can be supportive of you because someone was so supportive of me!!
PS You may want to change your swim to 500 meters 500 yards is like Iron man!!!!!!! I did the same thing at first...Love you too...Go Team Megan
luv Team Auntie
We aren't doing iron man? lol- updated!
You are amazing and you CAN do this. I have no doubt!
You can, you will, and next time I will be there doing it with you!
You will do great!!! Can't wait to here all about it.
It is such an accomplishment, you will be so excited to have done it!! You will be awesome.
Can I join you on the next one? :)
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