Leila is just my sweet girl. I think I am amazed a little every day at how much she is growing up on me. She is so capable of so much. I really rely on her to help with the baby, keep peace with her brother, and just hang out and make me laugh.
My friend who has spent time giving service in Africa talks of the children who are raising children. Little girls around Leila's age are raising younger brothers and sisters because their mothers have passed away. Not only are they taking care of children while they are children, they are often in extreme need and poverty. I honestly can not imagine how stressful this is for them and feel so blessed I can provide and care for my children.
I used to look at her and think there was no way she could handle this kind of situation. While I don't think she is really capable of raising a family of her own at the tender age of 6 1/2 (that half year is very important to include), I realize she has the potential in her to care and love and make the world easier for others. Easier for her brother and sister, her friends and teachers, and especially her parents.
She has realized her role of comforter and caretaker and uses her abilities to smooth out my rough edges. She helps me be a better person. She is simply a blessing to have as my daughter.
You are such a sweet and sincere Momma! Isn't it great that Heavenly Father knew who we would need in our lives to love us and help us along the way?
This whole post gave me goose bumps. What a blessing! We all need a Leila in our lives. So wonderful to watch her grow into who she was meant to be. What a great mom you are Megan to help her do this!
Your kids are gorgeous! I love the pictures.
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