Nathan had quite a week. I got a call the previous week about him using a bad word. I know what you are thinking: Your sweet angel boy? He used the K word. As in K for Kill. The teacher felt fully confident that my little monster was not going to do any killing in pre-K, BUT thought I should be aware. My kids are playing rough these days and very imaginative. I promise, they do not play Jeremy's mature video games that does entail some of the K word. He also wasn't helping clean up, so we sent a chart in with him this week to school so he can earn check marks on the days he helps clean. He can earn a check plus if he helps right away. He did pretty good. Not perfect, but who can expect perfection from a kid in pre-k?
On Wednesday Kathryn snapped his glasses in two. So Thursday he really didn't want to go to school because he thought the kids would laugh at him. I talked him into going just to say hi to the teacher. He was right- some of the kids laughed at him. But luckily his cooler than cool mom was there to play with the kids. And baby sister had a trail of at least three little girls at all times who were more than thrilled to play with an actual baby. We hung out for a while. It was all good.
That afternoon we had the cousins over to play. Nathan and Joseph were playing in his closet. When the boys are over and upstairs we are used to hearing bumps and screams. Nathan started screaming and I could tell at once he was serious. I ran up there. I couldn't hear Joseph and I had visions of blood and uncounciousness. Well, the were playing in the closet and knocked the door of the track. They couldn't open it up enough to get out and Nathan totally freaked out. Poor guy! He was really stressed. I have noticed when family will grab him and not let him move (In a playful way of course) he tends to freak out a bit, I just had not seen this fear on such an extreme level. By the way, Joseph was fine and was talking about cleaning up in there. Too bad we rescued them so quickly.
Thursday night I noticed a very subtle change in his behavior. So sweet. So subdued. I thought it was due to his exercise from his earlier trauma, OR maybe he is getting older and to an easier stage- right? He woke up Friday with a rager of a fever. He was bent on going to school because he had the show and tell bag! He couldn't wait to show everyone his precious transformer that always falls apart and mom and dad are sick of assembling for him. I talked him OUT of going to school this day and called him in sick. He layed in his bed all day watching DVD's- exerting no energy, eating and drinking next to nothing. On Saturday he had a rash on his stomach and chest. I am lucky to have a doctor who works, or one of her associates works, on Saturdays and we got him in. Yep- its strep! So after a few rounds of antibiotics we are in fine working order. None of the rest of us have seemed to come down with it- so that is a good thing!
Quite the week for Nathan boy. I learned a lot about my boy. I love him, even now that he feels better and is terrorizing the rest of us.
Bad week for Nathan! (I agree about the closet or being held too tight)
Awww, Megan he is so dang adorable!
A tough week for Nathan and Mom! I didn't realize that strep could come on so suddenly. I'm glad you caught it early and things seem to be getting back to normal. Here's to a much better week ahead!!!
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