I volunteered at the kids school for the fun run and marked off the kids as they passed the lap mark. The fun run is a fundraiser where 100% of the money raised goes to the kids-- spefically their field trips. This past year the Parent Teacher Club invested in an electronic reader board and spent all the money on that and other unexpected costs, so our kids have $0 in the budget for having fun. I was excited to help out- and boy was this fun- the first group was the 4th graders- they had plenty of markers so I cheered on the kids. I knew a few of them from our bus stop. The second group was the 5th graders. Again, I knew a couple of them. We volunteers finally figured out how to mark the big packs of kids and I had several kids who kept coming over to me each lap so we developed a bit of a relationship. These kids had a blast and really gave it their all. I hated running in school- so I was super impressed to see the kids doing it. I had a 5th grader I wanted to adopt. He ran 22 laps- around 5.5 miles! Wow! There was another boy whose goal was 18 laps. He didn't want to stop for water because it would waste time- but I told him he needed to, and like a good boy, he listened. (Gosh, what a MOM I have turned into!)
The after those two groups out came the kindergartners. Any thoughts we volunteers had to make things run smoothly went out the window. The kids ran in packs and were not capable of getting marked off other than a single file line. It was pretty funny actually.
Leila's group was after lunch so I couldn't stick around. She ran 10 laps, which is 2 1/2 miles! Way to go long-legged Leila! Both my kids amaze me.
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