Oh, Just running some errands.....
She is talking a lot. She is repeating a lot. She loves to follow and learn by example. She thinks she is a big kid and likes to be treated like a big kid. In fact, when Daddy is around she won't even sit in her high chair. That is how big she is. But she is little enough sitting on his lap taking a bit of his meal is being big enough.

Her measurements are grand: 32.5 inches tall & 26 lbs 14 oz ~ this is not our usual 90# + percentile that we are used to with our kids. Her growth has slowed down a little bit. But the doctor has assured me this is normal. I am not convinced. We took her into the urologist the beginning of the month and her left kidney is not growing like it should be. In fact, it appears to be shrinking. With her kidney reflux issues this is not OK. I haven't blogged or updated many people about this because I am dealing with a bit(actually a TON) of anxiety about the whole thing and prefer not to talk about it. I am confident in her doctors, but so very fearful of the unknown. We have another VCUG scheduled for the 26th and will discuss the results with the doctor that day and will have answers as to what the problem is and how to go forward with treatment. At this point we know very little. Hopefully we will know a lot more in a few days.
Both her pediatrician and I have decided if it were not for this darn kidney issue, she would be the worlds most perfect baby.
I love you Baby Kathryn. More than you could ever know!
1 comment:
We love Kathryn too :) Well, we just love your whole family!! I can't believe she's only 18 mos. It really feels like this little girl has been around forever! How did we all get by before without this cute little curly red-head? LOL :)
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