It was fun to take part in an "event" and be part of something this big. My Aunt mentored me the whole way. After only 5 weeks of training and constantly fighting back my negative thoughts- I did it! I accomplished my goal of finishing my first tri-athlon! Thank you Renetta! I appreciate all you did for me!
We first did a 500 meter swim. I was not prepared for how crazy it would be swimming with 3 other people in my lane. I was quite slow- in fact I was the last person out of the pool. I have my suspicion that they did not correctly count my laps and I may have swam an extra lap. I was embarrassed to be the last person out of the pool- when people cheered me on I felt like it wasn't necessary and it really embarrassed me. Oh well-- I had the determination to keep on going.
I got out to the "transition" area where my aunt was almost ready to take off on her bike. I quickly dried off and started getting dress(over the top of my suit). I was feeling nervous and still embarrassed from the swim and really really behind. I did NOT think about quiting, but I was sure discouraged. I even almost missed a turn. But- something happened out on the course. I was able to relax and put aside my expectations and simply focus on the moment I was currently in. I saw little purple flowers along side the road- they made me think of my Grandma Frederick and I felt her presence as I pedaled. I was amazed at the beauty of the rolling hills. And I was super excited when I saw my Aunt Renetta across the road on her way back! It gave me enough strength to keep going- in fact I was able to pass two riders in front of me so I was no longer the last one from my wave. On my bike in, Renetta had already started her walk so I was able to yell and scream at her(in good cheering ways of course)- and that was fun!

Back to the transition area I pulled off my helmet, put on my cap, ate a power bar and took off running. A tri-athlon is seriously so fast paced I just kept going not really even thinking about it! I couldn't run the entire 5K- in fact I don't think I ran HALF of it- but I did it- and it seemed like such a small part of the event after the huge bike ride and the challenging swim that it didn't even feel like a big deal(which it is a big deal- to me anyway!) The 5K was a double loop, the first time I came around the loop, my family was just getting out of the van and heading to meet me at the finish line. What a boost it was to see them(Nathan tried to hug me). I did my final loop and I started running at the corner so I could really push myself over the finish line. I did- it was amazing! I was so excited to see my family. I was so excited to have completed such an awesome goal. How amazing is it that my body was able to do this! I am a healthy woman and it showed!
Congratulations! I remember cheering for my dad when he competed in triathlons, and it was sadly tons of waiting for about five minutes of cheering, but those five minutes of cheering were always very enthusiastic.
You are Awesome. I am so proud of you for finishing and just for doing it.
I'm so happy that you did this! I love the pictures, so cool!
I'm sop proud of you! I knew you could do it!! Congrats, you are amazing and so are these bodies we've been blessed with! I would love to do an event with you someday!
Congratulations Megan, good job. Such a great accomplishment.
What a neat thing to do! Great accomplishment! I'm glad you were able to buddy up with Renetta! When's the next race?
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