The highlight of my year had to be when I met my Mom. Dad, Sister, and Brother were pretty cool too, along with the rest of the world that seemed so anxious to get me in their arms. My mom keeps telling me how much I am loved- but really- I don't know any different. My thoughts are babies are supposed to be loved. End of story.
I put on some weight. I started out a bigger baby at 9 lbs 6 oz(although everyone kept telling me how perfect I was, so big must be a good thing). I kept growing and growing and growing. I am now just under 23 lbs. Daddy keeps saying he should stop feeding me so I would stay little. I don't really get that.
I am not sure what happened on this earth before I came along. But now that I am here, I am convinced this world needed someone to revolve around. I am so glad I was able to fill that role.
I like to gaze at my big sister. She is beautiful. She likes to give me pedicures and manicures. She shares her dolls with me. She would be happy if she could hold me all the time, but something deep inside me tells me I just can't make her happy and let her hold me- I need to cause her a little trouble.
My big brother is a party waiting to happen. Even when I was only a few months old, when he came into the room I was in, I had to pay attention to him. I used to kick my feet when I saw him. Now I usually just laugh, because he makes me laugh most of the time. I like to get a little rough with him and hit his head or take his glasses. I don't like it when people tell me to be gentle.
Life isn't perfect. The trials of a baby are like none I have ever seen before. I detest that first moment I am put down on the floor. I get over it, but feel I need to express myself and yell a little. Oh, and nothing makes me madder then when I am following Mommy and I finally get to her and she turns and walks away(think kitchen). I can't help but really yell at her. Also, what is the idea of my own crib? I get ticked every time I wake up and find they moved me. I am totally OK sharing my king-sized bed with my parents, in fact, how great is it that I get to wake up with my two favorite people almost every day? They just don't realize how snugly their bed is and how cold my little tiny crib is. Plus easy access to Mom makes midnight snacks awfully easy.
I think I am happy in my little world, and all the things that revolve around me. I know I am loved. And even though I may be a bit cranky and not let a lot of people hold me, I sure love everyone around me. Life is a blessing. Mom calls me her blessing. She calls me her heart. What a lucky baby I am.
(By the way: I think Mom will get on here later and post some birthday pictures. And how rude is she to take me to the Doctor on my Birthday and make me get shots?)
Happy Birthday Kathryn!!! I can not believe she is a year! It's such a short time but at the same time it's like she's been a part of your family for forever! Such a cutie!!
Wow sweetie, you have grown in leaps and bounds, and now you can even type! Amazing! Here is to a happy first year and an even happier second!! I love you!
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