I have been seeing so many of these pop up all over the blogging world. I wonder if the first day of school is as big of a milestone to the kids as it is to the parents? Is it us parents who make it a big deal for our kids? I remember my first days: The excitement, nervousness, new clothes, crisp air in the morning, nervousness, and always mom taking our pictures. It was a start of a new year. Like the brand new notebooks and backpacks, things started out clean and open to possibility. This tradition has continued in my own family.

Leila has started full-day, two-way-immersion Kindergarten. She is by far the tallest in her class- a good head above the others. She is almost as tall as her teacher- which is funny to see. I am excited for her to learn and grow this year. This week she goes for half days, and starts full day next week.
Nathan is also at Aloha Huber Park with the pre-K program there. I have been very nervous about this. I have been nervous about him being at this school because he will be going 5 days a week. I am not sure my boy is ready for 5 days of instruction. BUT, his first day was an hour long 'party' which my Dad and I attended with him. He did so well and was so comfortable I have no worries anymore.
I have been worried about Aloha Huber Park as it is a K-8 school. Seeing my little kindergirl and preschooler at school with 8th graders makes me nervous. So I have decided to walk them both into their classrooms vs. riding the bus to school. They feel more comfortable, and so do I.
They both ride the bus home. And love it. In fact, yesterday was their first day coming home and they both made it safe and sound. Next week of course Leila will be going all day, so they will both come home on their own, so this week is a good week to practice together.
What will I do with my two and half hours at home with just the baby? Anything I want! Definitely writing both on my personal projects, journals and blog. I have visions of a regular exercise program. I have started a new business venture and look forward to looking at my possibilities there. I have intentions of having a clean kitchen every day(thanks to my husband for helping me clean it up this weekend so all I have to do is keep it clean.). I have started up my lists and schedules to play around with. I look forward to grocery shopping with only ONE CHILD(WOOT!) and a contained one at that!
Wow, full days at school, picking out their own clothes, riding the school bus soon they'll be picking out their cars and filling out applications to college.
As much as we love them it is good for them to venture out and learn living a life that is individualized. Yes, we can still cry at that through our smiles.
Leila and Nathan will love school and being with friends. I hope you get to enjoy the bonding time with Little Lady K, snuggle that little girl, it will be wonderful for all of you.
Love and hugs, j
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