Today is a good place to be.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I Like Nonsense

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.” ~ Dr. Suess
I changed my quote on my main page. I am known to not be able to come up with the right word. When I have a major headache, I sometimes can't come up with the word at all. Crazy brain right? I usually search for the right word. Sometimes I can come up with it. Sometimes I come up with something different. Like when I tell the kids they need to put some mustard on their pancakes. Or put socks on their shoes. What is normally the "whah whah wah wah" of mothers voice becomes a highly comedic experience and the kids laugh and laugh. I love the moment in their eyes when they realize I said something very nonsensical! I only wish my husband or complete strangers found it as entertaining. This problem I have is very concerning to me, especially lately when I look at some things my Dad is going thru with his memory issues(Don't worry, I am adding it to the list when I finally drag myself in in to the doctor). But I am learning to take it for what it is: nonsense. Why not laugh about it like my kids? Something isn't quite right- but don't stress out. Don't take myself too seriously. That certainly won't help. And isn't laughing a ton of fun? Especially laughing with my amazingly goofy kiddos. And if anything its helping their little brains learn the beauty of nonsense and fantasy.


vaxhacker said...

There was a period when I was doing that reading stories to my little boys at night. Was fighting lack of sleep and kept falling asleep in mid-sentence.

"And so Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter all went to... bramble wuzzle in the wheedle tree to their doom and blorflzzz..."

... "Daddy..."

"Um... Right. Peter crawled under McGregor's garden fence right... undez...zl viking clan zermpa ninja rabbit...zzzzzz...."

... "Daddy..."

Christy said...

Haha! I'll laugh with you cause I do something similar, though in my case there just isn't a word, nothing, just empty space in my head where the word should be :) I can see it pictured but can't even begin to tell the person what the word is. Usually happens in mid-sentence too. I chalk it up to mother brain but if the doc tells you something different let me know :)