Age: 4 1/2
Favorite Color: Red, purple and pink
Favorite Toy: Little Mermaid Doll
Favorite Movie: Little Mermaid
Funny quirks: Doesn't like having her hair done, but likes to get dressed up. I can usually persuade her with some lip gloss to do her hair. :o) She is scared of being alone, stopped liking bugs -including spiders- about a year ago(before that she loved them and would catch them in the yard and hold them).
Recent Accomplishments: Finished her year of 4's preschool. Since she is born just 4 days after the cut off, she has another year of pre-school ahead of her.
Bedtime Routine: Teeth Brushing, PJ's, Books, Say prayers with Nathan, say prayers in her room, song with Mom, song with Daddy, put on some music, read some more books, color, cut, dance, do whatever, ask for a few more songs from mom or dad(whoever feels like getting back up), finally sleep after about an hour of goofing off.
Best Friends: Carina, Sadie, Lucy & Elizabeth. Annalina is her best cousin ever. And tho she won't admit it, her brother.
Favorite Activities: Singing(LOVES her singing class with Ms. Stephanie), coloring(wishes mommy would let her paint more), learning to ride her new princess bike, holding and loving her kitty: Alli Cat.
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