Today is a good place to be.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yep- Life is a scream!

SO.... life has been a SCREAM!  But we are feeling better and things have calmed down and now I am looking forward to spring break with my kiddos with a somewhat renewed perspective.

Jeremy had a weekend in the hospital.  This was a huge wake up call for both of us.  He is doing great now and he and I are simply trying our best to take care of each other. 

I started working the beginning of Feb-- four mornings a week(MWFS).  This has added stress to my load.  I feel like the list never ends more than it didn't before.  I worry about being late and then I worry about dropping off a crying child(But usually she doesn't, she just has a few off mornings).  Jeremy appreciates my efforts to bring in some extra income and has been very accommodating to my different schedule.

The kids are as busy as ever. 

Leila is still loving her dance class.  We got through GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON somewhat successfully.  I still have a few cases of Tag a longs, samoas and trefoils in my garage... just in case you need some.  :o) 

Nathan is finally feeling better from his surgery.  He still hasn't been cleared from the DR. yet, but we are patient and doing what we need to do.  He starts Spring Soccer next week and is looking forward to it. 

Kathryn is very sassy and not very good at realizing she doesn't get what she wants when she cries.  But we are working on that.  She doesn't like that.  She is having a lot of fun playing with her friends and she gets to spend Weds. mornings with Grandma and she seems to really LOVE that!

Our schedule for the upcoming week will be loosely as followings:

Monday:  Me work in the morning, kids play at Vanessa's house(My wonderful trade babysitter).  We plan on going to the library in the afternoon.
Tuesday: Going to Salem to play with Dominic(kids) and Jeanette(me!).  Girl Scout activity with Leila, the whole family is invited to hike at the nature park!
Wednesday: Grandmas HOUSE!  (She doesn't know this yet!!!)
Thursday: I watch Kaitlyn(Vanessa's beautiful baby), We will host a play date with Elizabeth for Leila, and hopefully I can find a place for Nathan to play!
Friday:  I work in the morning, but our afternoon is free at this point.  I really want to purge stuff around the house.  I hope we have the energy to do so!

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