Kathryn loves her blankies. She isn't really attached to just one, but loves being snuggled. We swaddled her at naptime and bedtime for months and months too long(all our children actually, this might be why Nathan can't handle being held too tight- but the girls can!), but she has enjoyed the cuddle factor of a good swaddling. So long as it didn't interfere with her self-proclaimed independance.
Lately, she will bring me a blanket and simply turn around. She is expecting me to drape it around her shoulders so she can walk around wrapped up in it.
She also likes to roll on the floor with her blankie wrapped around her. She will ask me to swaddle her dolly up too and will even roll her dolly around on the floor. 
Of course... she is just my little dolly.
Ivy loves her Hello Kitty blanket the very best. She sucks on the silky edges when she is falling asleep and gets mad when I wash it.
Oh my gosh I just love her cute curly hair! So adorable!
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