My Blog Posts from July and August are full of fun touristy things and great pictures of our family as we enjoyed our state with Wendy with us. We have the steam engine train raid, 4th of July, a camping trip, and other fun stuff in the area we love to do with friends from out of town. Eventually I will bring them all over to blogger, but for now check out the links back to my spaces blog:
July 01- Activities- with Wendy of course!!CF201277F2ECFD1F!444.entry
July 07- What's more American....!CF201277F2ECFD1F!471.entry
July 14- Tourist Things!CF201277F2ECFD1F!483.entry
July 14- Fly like an Eagle!CF201277F2ECFD1F!481.entry
July 18- Busy Us!!CF201277F2ECFD1F!512.entry
July 27- River Grandparents!CF201277F2ECFD1F!520.entry
July 28- Camping Fun!CF201277F2ECFD1F!549.entry
July 31- Portland Art Museum Exploration!CF201277F2ECFD1F!566.entry
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Relay 2008
Another year done-- I realized my first year was the summer before kids(and pregnancies)- so that would be 6 years ago that we had our first team. I had been the year before to support my friend Brett. What an amazing event. I see all sorts of people volunteer hours and hours of thier time simply because they have the desire and belief of a possibility of a world without cancer. Its amazing to realize how many people have been touched by cancer. This is not a good thing, but the grief of loosing someone close is a heartache shared by too many of us.
This year I was Advocacy Chair. My purpose in this role to share what I have learned and ask people at the event to reach out to our lawmakers to ensure that EVERY Man,woman and child has access to prove cancer screening exams. Right now only 1 in 5 women have access to a federal program that provides lifesaving breast cancer screening. Oregon relies solely on this funding. My job was get to peoples 'stories' down and take thier picture so we can send it into lawmakers. We need to eliminate cancer as a major health problem.
My team, The Barrel of Monkey's had a blast. We didn't sleep much, we walked a ton, and had a great time. It was hot this year, but not as hot as it has been in the past. As of right now we raised $792.92. I am still waiting for $250 from Jeremy's work. Once we receive this, we will exceed my goal to raise $1000. Whoohoo!
The entire even raised over $65,000, but I expect us to reach our goal of $80,000- money keeps rolling in and we can continue to accept donations for this years event until August 31st.
Its fun to have a "passion" to fight for. I love the pure desire of service I saw over and over. People want to give, we want to make the world a better place. Its wonderful to see this. We can make a difference.

Here is my little informational board, and me speaking at the "Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back" Ceremony. Thanks to my family for joining me.
This year I was Advocacy Chair. My purpose in this role to share what I have learned and ask people at the event to reach out to our lawmakers to ensure that EVERY Man,woman and child has access to prove cancer screening exams. Right now only 1 in 5 women have access to a federal program that provides lifesaving breast cancer screening. Oregon relies solely on this funding. My job was get to peoples 'stories' down and take thier picture so we can send it into lawmakers. We need to eliminate cancer as a major health problem.
My team, The Barrel of Monkey's had a blast. We didn't sleep much, we walked a ton, and had a great time. It was hot this year, but not as hot as it has been in the past. As of right now we raised $792.92. I am still waiting for $250 from Jeremy's work. Once we receive this, we will exceed my goal to raise $1000. Whoohoo!
The entire even raised over $65,000, but I expect us to reach our goal of $80,000- money keeps rolling in and we can continue to accept donations for this years event until August 31st.
Its fun to have a "passion" to fight for. I love the pure desire of service I saw over and over. People want to give, we want to make the world a better place. Its wonderful to see this. We can make a difference.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Wonder Jar
am reading Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. He is on a mission to save our children from Nature Deficit Disorder. This isn't a "real" disorder, but isn't it funny how our kids are growing up in a mostly indoor world? Many of the kids I know prefer to sit in front of the TV, computer, or DS instead of enjoy several hours outside just playing. I am not sure its enough to assume our children will learn to love the outside. I think we need to guide them and teach them how to love it simply by allowing them to experience it like we did as kids. Our parents and grandparents enjoyed it far more than we did as children, and our children and grandchildren will enjoy it far less than us. Its quite sad really.
In the back of this book he lists 100 actions we can take to enjoy outdoor activities, admitting no list could ever be complete. The one that stuck out to me is a "wonder bowl". I am changing it to a "Wonder Jar" so the kids can both have one and we can keep them out. Do your kids fill their pockets full of treasures while outside? Mine do! But I usually catch them before they go thru the wash cycle. This jar is a place they can empty the contents of their pockets and look at their treasure on a daily basis if they want to. If there is something in there I need to get rid of(living or molding), I will do so after bed. :o)
Here are some pictures of my precious children finding treasures on our hike to bridal veil falls last week. The cool thing about this is they were searching on their own, this took no guidance or prompting from me. Maybe my kids won't end up nature deficit.

In the back of this book he lists 100 actions we can take to enjoy outdoor activities, admitting no list could ever be complete. The one that stuck out to me is a "wonder bowl". I am changing it to a "Wonder Jar" so the kids can both have one and we can keep them out. Do your kids fill their pockets full of treasures while outside? Mine do! But I usually catch them before they go thru the wash cycle. This jar is a place they can empty the contents of their pockets and look at their treasure on a daily basis if they want to. If there is something in there I need to get rid of(living or molding), I will do so after bed. :o)
Here are some pictures of my precious children finding treasures on our hike to bridal veil falls last week. The cool thing about this is they were searching on their own, this took no guidance or prompting from me. Maybe my kids won't end up nature deficit.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Moments of Bliss
OK- so its not like my kids fight ALL THE TIME- but they do disagree, desire each others belongings, want to play something else. They play together a lot, and after a certain amount of play time we can count on there being a small altercation. The scientist in me feels I should simply observe them and figure out their optimal time they can be together by timing their playtime together and averaging the number of minutes it takes to end in disaster. If I could figure out their limits I could split them up before it comes to blows-- right? Jeremy and I did this before kids for car rides. We could handle about 2 or 2 1/2 hours in the car together, and the trip to his parents was 3 hours. Not good. This thankfully has changed as we have been together now for almost a decade(in September- yahoo!) and have little ones to distract us.
Anyway, back to the kids(See, I always turn these into stories about moi!). The other night the kids left the table to play while we were still eating. I wasn't quite satisfied with what they ate, BUT I loved seeing them play well together. Like I said, this does happens a lot, but rarely do I sit back and enjoy it. We got cleaned up to make a trek out to Coscto and they said no- they wanted to keep playing! My sweet little angels- and I mean it this time, I am not calling them angels to try to trick my mind....
I would not survive in an ape wilderness, or on the African Sarengeti as an unseen observer. The second I pull out my camera I have attention from my subjects. But it is cute anyway(and this one is short so don't be afriad to watch):
Anyway, back to the kids(See, I always turn these into stories about moi!). The other night the kids left the table to play while we were still eating. I wasn't quite satisfied with what they ate, BUT I loved seeing them play well together. Like I said, this does happens a lot, but rarely do I sit back and enjoy it. We got cleaned up to make a trek out to Coscto and they said no- they wanted to keep playing! My sweet little angels- and I mean it this time, I am not calling them angels to try to trick my mind....
I would not survive in an ape wilderness, or on the African Sarengeti as an unseen observer. The second I pull out my camera I have attention from my subjects. But it is cute anyway(and this one is short so don't be afriad to watch):
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