Today is a good place to be.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Mommy Kissed Santa Last Night

And I think the kids had a great Christmas Morning!

We all received cozy jammies!

Before the mayhem...

I wonder if he really came?

I think I see somthing!

OH WOW!  Just what I wanted!

Me too!

Oh Elmo!  I lub you!

Presents Open!

Happy Children Playing(No Fighting!)

Looks like Santa Dumped his Sleigh!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Another Birthday!

Nathan had trouble going to sleep last night.  He was just too excited about his birthday.  He was hoping we might give him a gift before school?  I told him that was completely silly since we bought him new shoes on Saturday and Daddy bought him the Transformer Movie on Saturday too that Mommy actually let him watch on Sunday.  So he has already "opened" a couple of gifts-- right?

Anyway, I told him I completely understood.  Seven years ago last night I was getting ready for bed knowing I would be going into the hospital to be induced the next day.  I had some trouble sleeping too because of excitment!

Happy Birthday Little Man! 

We sure love you!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Muppet TIME!

Anyone who knows me, knows my love of the Muppet's!  We had a grand time out yesterday to see my old friends, and the movie was amazing!  We all gave it several thumbs up! 

"Life's like a movie, write your own ending. 
Keep believing, keep pretending." 
- Jim Henson

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day 2011!

Happy Thanksgiving From the Conser Turkey's!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Unloading the Dishwasher is FUN!

Nathan was proud of his work!

Leila needed some credit too-- she put the cinnamon containor on the very top!
  Whatever it takes to get some help around here! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Baby Logan

Our sweet little nephew is HERE!
Welcome Logan! 
6 lbs 6 oz  19 inches long

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Nov. 5th, 2011

Our sweet Leila was baptized as a member The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

Congratulations Big Girl!  Thanks to our amazing friends and family who joined us in supporting our girls decision of baptism.  We have so much support and love in raising our children, its quite a blessing. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Night!

When witches go riding, and black cats are seen
the moon laughs and whispers, 'tis near Halloween.
 -19th century Halloween postcard

My Dark Princess, My Kitty Kat, and my Scooby Dooby
Doooo.  Happy Halloween my Sweet Babies.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Remembering what we were going through a year ago--- hardly seems like it happened at all.  But it was sure traumatic when it did. 

We have an ultra sound set up for the end of November.  Since Kathryn has had no issues, I fully expect them telling us how amazing she is and that we never have to see Dr. Lashly again.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Pumpkin Patch!

Being a traditionalist, when I first had kids I assumed we would stick to the same pumpkin patch each year.  I changed my mind when you drive several miles out into the country and see some different and cute set up. 

This year was Jeremy's choice of Sauvies Island.  He has fond memories of hunting pumpkins here during his childhood.  We went on a beautiful fall day with our good friends The Daley's, and Grandma Conser and Cousin Carina joined us as well.

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A very nice day was had by all!

There is always planning and prepping when it comes time for the carving.

The Finished Product:  Three little Pumpkins, and their pumpkins.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This baby makes me ALMOST want to do it again....

Thankfully I have a new nephew coming in a few weeks (YAY!)... and two dear friends that I am doing nice things for and billing them in baby holding time.... (They may not realize that yet, but I am keeping very close track).

Thank you other mothers of the world for having babies for those of us who are done!  You are very kind.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Parenting 101

Having had my first two children very close together provided me a lot of challenges.  Not being the most patient mom around combined with a quick temper resulted in a home with a lot of yelling and crying, by all family members.  As the years have gone by and the children have learned better to reason, I too have learned more patience and calmness in dealing with them.  Things got a little crazy with a sick baby last year, but I do have to sit back and give myself some credit that I have grown significantly in the area of parenting.  I still have a long way to go, but I do believe, with help, I will continue to be a better Mom.

One day at church several years ago we were sitting in a lesson when a lady, whose children are all grown and married, mentioned that she had struggled with her anger as a young Mom.  She said we are not doomed to stay that way, we simply need to go to our peers and ask them how they handle situations.  Seek out someone you admire and get advice.  That was almost too easy.

I thought a lot about the Mom's I see that instead of yelling at their kids, quietly take them aside and discuss an issue at hand.  I thought of the Mom's that truly smiled at their children and praised them for even the tiny accomplishments the children would boast about.  I thought about the Mom's that took the time to teach their children  life lessons, such as how to be independent, or self sufficient, instead of doing it for them.

I have a lot of Mom's that I want to be like.  I am blessed that I can call many of them and ask them a very broad and general question and they take it upon themselves to mull it over in their minds and get back to me with amazing advice.  It might not always work for my family, but the fact I have people who take the time to give me feedback on how to raise my precious children is simply priceless.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ocean in view! O! The joy!

Jeremy and I had the chance to get away for a bit last week thanks to both of our dear mothers supporting us in our desires!  10 years married seems like quite the milestone-- even more when you consider we have been together 3 more on top of that.  

We left on Monday after Sue and I had a fun time at Zumba.  Then we left her with a screaming Kathryn and a page of instructions.  I felt a little dismayed when I realized my life's work could be summarized on one page. 

We drove up to Astoria first and had lunch at our favorite place:  Wet Dog Cafe.  We walked clear down to see where the sea lions took over some docks.  Then we headed up the coast, stopped and got some snacks, red box and checked into our hotel.  We swam and hot-tubed.  We called our kids.  Life was great.  When we woke up the next morning at 8:15 we were both surprised we had slept in so very late for parents standards!

Tuesday we went to breakfast at Benson's by the Sea- they have amazing breakfast and the owner herself served us.  Then we walked over to the Free Marsh Museum where we saw all sorts of goodies and grossies.  We walked a bit on the beach and headed back to the hotel to pack up some snacks and water and went to explore Cape Disappointment.  To say we were not disappointed is the truth!  We sincerely couldn't have asked for better weather.  The hiking was wonderful and the wildlife viewing was supreme.  Back to the hotel for some swimming and hot-tubing and then we walked into town for a bite to eat.

Weds. we slept in again-- this time only until about 8, and we took our time getting ready.  We had breakfast again at Benson's.  This day we split an order of French toast-- pretty amazing stuff(We saw it on our way from the day before and knew we had to go back!!!).  Then we explore a bit more around long beach before heading back home.  We had a daughter waiting for us with hives, another one we needed to get to dance, both older kids needed homework help.  But hey-- that is just the way it is after 10 years marriage-- right?

I really think I could be an awesome photographer if I had a kick-butt camera.  Anyone feel like donating to my cause?

Long Beach, Washington
September 19-22, 2011