We had a super fun 4
th of JULY this year!
We went to the 4th of July Parade in Hillsboro, which the held on Saturday, July 3rd(Yay for us church-going folk who wouldn't have been able to attend otherwise). My sister and I got over there very early to get us a corner. Jeremy's sister and our niece joined us. My good friend and her family joined us. My dear Auntie and Uncle joined us too. We had a blast!
On Sunday after church we headed over to my parents for a big backyard BBQ. I was able to get a photo of all the grand kids with my parents- YAY!
After stuffing ourselves silly, we headed out to Banks to get a spot on the hill to watch their fireworks. While we had to wait for a million years(about 3 hours) we played and joked and tried to keep the kids happy(I took Kathryn on a long walk). Finally we saw the show- and it was fun and magical.
On the 5th all three kids slept in past 8AM! This never happens at the Conser house!
We love our country and the time we get to reflect on our blessings and spend time with our loved ones!