Leila has been asking if she can take a school lunch. I have to admit, I am enjoying making her lunch every day, and then seeing what she ate of it when she gets home. I even decided a few weeks ago to try to make a big batch of cookies or something so she can have something homemade in her bag. She has had a steady supply of juice boxes(something that is a very rare treat in our home). She got a Tinkerbell lunch bag for her birthday, and she was so excited. The excitement must have worn off with her new request.
Apparently, she has really been thinking about lunch. Last night she came in several times with different ideas and requests for several things school related. She was up until almost 10(bedtime being around 7:30)- this 6 year old girl really has a lot on her mind! I think Jeremy was asleep before she was. On her last trip in to see us, she supplied us with a school lunch chart. I wish I had a scanner to scan it in to show you. She has the lunch lady and the register, the different parts of the lunch line, different kids choosing their items(you can tell they love lunch because they all have smiles on their faces), and different options for lunch. I told her if she has school lunches she won't get any more homemade goodies. She said to me: That is OK Mommy. School lunches are much better than homemade. So, time will tell what we decide, but I think she gets a lunch tomorrow for sure from all the thought process she used to make us that nifty chart.
LOL!! Don't worry, over time the hot lunch thing loses it's appeal too :) Jonathan actually started begging us to let him bring his own lunch last year! Now we are back to the boredom of sack lunches, they just can't make up their mind :)
Jacob is under the same impression that school lunches are the bomb-diggity. Stolen from a friend of mine, we have this system. When the monthly lunch menu comes home from school he is allowed to circle the one day that he would like to buy. It gives me a day off, continues to let me make cheap sack lunches, and keeps buying hot lunch special for him.
You have one smart and inventive cookie there! xoxo
p.s. on the second day of school I wrote I love you in marker on his napkin, since every mother/child lunch commercial tells this is the thing to do if you really LOVE your kid. That day Jacob came home from school and said, "Mom, PLEASE, don't ever do that again. I had to throw my napkin away before anyone saw it. It was SOOOOO embarassing!" (I believe that's verbatim).
She has been reeling this through her creative little mind! My kids get to choose one day a week to take hot lunch- the rules being that they have to choose at least one fruit and one vege. They love to come home and report to me what they got. If I don't ask they say, "Mom, aren't you forgetting to ask me something?". It's funny, they all say it, even Rylie who is in middle school this year. I like doing it that way. It gives me a break once a week and hot lunch day is the most exciting day of the week for them. Just yesterday Eli reported that the school nachos were the bomb and that he had gotten carrots and apples to go with them, oh, and a chocolate milk:0)
That's so funny Megan! We did the pick two days a month to have school lunch and that seemed to work well. I did try to make homemade lunches special when the boys were in grade school and left little notes telling them how great they were and that I loved them. I basically got the same reaction Amy did. "Why did you put a note in my lunch?", said with disgust. But girls are different, Ally likes it when I do that. So all I gotta say is good luck! lol
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