Today is a good place to be.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I love you with Food

How do you show love without using food or other edible/consumable items?

My family has always loved to love showing food.  Growing up we had family parties that revolved around treats.  Mom expressed her love by making us something from scratch when we were sick, or when we succeeded and needed to celebrate, or if we were down, or if we just felt like being together in the kitchen creating together.  Spending time in the kitchen with my Mom or my Sisters are very fond memories.  Memories we still create.  Ever wonder why most parties end up congregating in the kitchen?

I personally love the feeling of being with loved ones AND eating.  Its a natural activity and it feels good.  I love to cook and bake and like to think I am pretty good at it.  I love it when my loved ones enjoy what I make.  When I can make a successful meal and have my family sit around the table and share it, I feel like I have accomplished something very special.

But, there are times I wonder how I can show my love without food.  I went through Weight Watchers years ago and that was when I really noticed the above statements.  Since then I will try to meet friends for walks instead of lunch(even though I always want to go to lunch after the walk!), or deliver a cute card instead of a plate of cookies. 

Now that my husband is diabetic I wonder how I can show my love to him in easy fast ways.  In the past I could buy him a box of Hot Tamales, or a bag of Aussie Licorice and it would make him happy.  He was physically gratified and emotionally as well.  He knew I had thought of him and he knew I knew he would enjoy the little treat.  Now if I buy him something like this too often, am I handing him nails to his coffin?

What else could I get him to let him know I think about him, that isn't too expensive, that won't be a detriment to his health?  My mind goes to making/buying him a card-- I have made him many.  I know he appreciates these, but how many cards does a guy need?  I am thinking maybe taking a picture and sending it to him at work.  But I'm not sure that gives the same effect as a consumable.

I don't think its a bad thing to show your love WITH food.  Nourishing and comforting each other happens with food naturally.  But in this day and age there needs to be a balance.  I will try to find it-- until then I will do what I think is right.

1 comment:

Oyama Family said...

I have asked myslef this same question so many stinken times! And against all that I learned at WW food still means love to me... oh well. I vote you get a cute slinky sexy silky outfit "for him" amke him go on some kind of scavenger hunt for it (maybe gathering music, candles, massage oil...etc along the way) and then a dessert to follow **wink wink** How;s that?! I think that shows love for sure! But food is good too- make him a nice...veggie platter :) J/K I am in a rediculous mood right now, just ignore me.

on the other hand the verification word below says "undroocut" I don't know about you but underoos are underwear...maybe it's a sign...of what...I don't know?