Today is a good place to be.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Self Manager

What does it take to be a self-manager? 
                                     You have to be safe, respectful, responsible and follow the rules of the school.  Your reading, your writing, your ELD(English Language Development) and your Home Room Teacher all need to sign off on your behavior.

Once you are a self manager, you get to:
Help the teacher
Get in line first on PE Days
Get a drink in the back of the classroom during study time
Go to the bathroom without a pass(You still have to ask the teacher though)
Help pass out papers
Erase the board when the teacher says

Leila tried really hard last year to be awarded a self-manager badge and did not get it.  This year she did and is very pleased with herself.  We are too. 
Good Job Leila!


Tonya said...

great job, leila!

i love that the schools have things like this to award positive behavior.

Amy said...

Yay! Good for Leila! That is very exciting!