Today is a good place to be.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Good Bye 2010

I am happy to say good-bye to the year we just endured.

There was a lot of loss.  A lot of pain and heartache.  A lot of stress and worry.  I have watched friends and dear family members struggle with just yucky stuff.  I have felt distance develop between certain friends and family that I never thought would have.  I have developed anxiety over things I would never have thought I would have a year or two ago.

There were positives too.  My baby had a successful surgery and is healthy and happy.  I participated in three sprint tri-athlons.  I have gained and recognized some very dear friends.  I felt the arms and support of many loved ones who rose to care for me and my family in our down times.  And of course, my children continue to grow and learn and amaze me daily on the capacity of their minds and the beauty of their spirits.

Overall, this wasn't my favorite year, yet it was an important year.  It tested me and made me uncomfortable.  Through these tests and discomfort I am learning and growing more as a person.  I may not always make the right decisions, but these opportunities are allowing me to know myself more than I thought possible.

I want my children to know when life gets hard, you will learn something from it.  What you learn will allow you to become a better person- a wiser person.  It will allow you to someday help someone else as they suffer and hurt as you  may have.  So, hang in there.  When you feel hope is lost, it isn't.  When you are sad and feel lonely, you aren't.  When you are so frustrated and do not want to do a single thing, don't- take a short break- then get back to it.  Your Mom says its OK. 
And your Mom loves you more than anything.
Now, lets move forward and see what is next?

1 comment:

Jill said...

Struggles are good, they help us grow, but I hope this year is a much happier one for you. :)