So her sleeping schedules were way off-- she slept whenever and where ever she felt like. Which meant night times were tough as I slept with a feet and hands and a head in my back at various times of the night-- along with a little darling asking me for a drink throughout the night. It also meant my days were full of cuddles and holding and not much else. I caught her cold too and was pretty worthless around here, but managed to keep the minimum done around the house to keep things running. I also didn't stress about what wasn't getting done. Holding a sick child is more important than any old laundry pile or sink full of dishes.
Kathryn during a cat-nap. |
Nathan came up with a new phrase: Snug Mode. Saturday was a gorgeous spring like day. I spent the morning going on a walk with some dear friends, and then after baby's nap we treated ourselves to some Mexican dinner and then went to Cooper Mountain Nature Park for a walk. Nathan's legs were breaking he was so exhausted. He said as soon as he got home he was going to change into snug mode: Put on his PJ's and get two blankets.
Snug Mode |
On our way to CMNP Leila started laughing-- like really from the gut laughing. She told us she just came up with the funniest joke in her head. I asked her to share it, but she wouldn't. She told us if she did, we would be laughing for days and days. She must have thought that was much too disruptive in our lives.
Super Silly Leila |
I love my family-- even after exhausting weeks of sickness and the regular run-around of life.
The previous Saturday was the Chocolate Festival which I was so fortunate to be able to attend with my lovely mother and sister in law. This is our second year attending and its a tradition I am happy to see us continue. This year the event was so big the moved it to the convention center- and I have to say I was "Chocolated-out". Which is not something I ever expected to happen. I came home with goodies for my family and shot this cute video of Kathryn enjoying a chocolate covered oreo. (Grandma Conser- you will especially enjoy this video of your chocolate loving baby)