Today is a good place to be.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

95 Years Young

Today is Grandpa Frederick's 95th Birthday! We were able to go to a birthday party for him in Forest Grove and visit with family and friends. It was fun to see him, and it was even more special to see how many people love him and told him so.

I only got a few photos. Here Grandpa is with Joseph and Kathryn. Grandpa loved Kathryn's hair and he couldn't take his eyes off of it, so most of my photos are him looking at her hair and touching it. My Aunties took a ton of other photos- so I look forward to their shots. It is always great to see them, and I wish I could see them more often.

We love you Grandpa Great!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Poor Third Child...

My poor third child. I completely forgot to notice that yesterday was the start of her 11th month in this world! I did happen to snap some photos.
Poor poor #3.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Accountability- going public with my goals

I am only posting this so I am accountable. I really do not want to make this public, but if I don't, I fear I will not follow through. So here goes....

On Feb. 13th I will attempt my first 5K. I plan on walking, but may mix in some running depending on how training goes. I have always been a walker. I started walk/running in the fall, but have fallen short over the past few months thanks to the weather, sick kids, and general laziness(OK, maybe its mostly just laziness).

This means I only have 6 weeks to get ready, so I have my work cut out for me, but I think that will be enough. Having a goal will help me with my exercise routine.

My sister invited me to do this with her- its a Sr. Project of one of the boys she knows and she is excited to support him (Proceeds given to charity). Thanks Sissy for your encouragement, support, and ability to drag me the last mile and a half.

Want to join me? Go public! I will help you!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

You know its a good toy when....

your aunt, your uncle and your dad are helping you play with it...

Things I Hope Don't Change

Its a nice cozy Saturday Night - watching a movie - family togetherness - I hope this never changes.

(Can you tell the movie is Sci-Fi? The boys are way more into it than the girls)

Gingerbread-- anyone?

We had a blast decorating a Gingerbread house at Grandma's. We have never done one of these before, but had a really good time. I think I will try to make it a tradition. One of the walls was busted, but did that stop us? A little glue gun and some wheat thin shingles and we were as good as new.

Of course the kids loved the project and were quite proud of their results. I guess I didn't threaten them with their lives quite seriously enough because later that very day they had stripped the house of many of the candy decorations. We had some really cool trees made out of kisses and a lot more logs strewn about.

By far the funnest thing for Nathan was taking a knife(or two) and demolishing all of it.