Our little Man turned 6. He is my daily reminder some of the best things in life are not planned. Some of the best things in life come like a storm out of nowhere and leave a happy trail behind making the world a better place for having happened. We love our Little Man. Nathan proved to me my heart was capable of even more love than I thought possible.

Nathan is very sweet. He is very sensitive. When we were planning his party, before he had a guest list for himself, he wanted to make sure we invited some babies for Kathryn and some girls for Leila. He loves to share his things for the most part. A new exciting toy might not be sharable for a while, but he is known to give his toys away to people he loves. Nathan is goofy and funny, or at least he THINKS he is! He always makes me laugh. But when Nathan is in a bad mood, my heart breaks- it affects every part of this house. Thankfully those times are few and far between. After going to bed at night, unless he is super tired, he always gets up one more time to get another kiss and snuggle.

Today for his Birthday Nathan wanted to go to Red Robin with Grandma and Grandpa. We met up with them, and My Dad, who is quite the social butterfly these days, harassed the manager about getting a free dinner for Nathan's "Golden Birthday". Of course that was not possible, however, when it came time to sing to our boy, the brought him a piece MUD PIE(which they used to give for birthdays when I was a kid)! He wasn't super impressed with the singing. In fact, he wasn't sure he wanted that big thing- he had in his mind an ice cream Sunday and our Nathan needs to be prepared of what is coming. So he panicked a little until he saw both of his sisters eyes grow about ten times their normal size and the drool forming around their mouths(OK, mine too). He dove in and didn't regret it. He didn't even feel up to his actual Birthday Cake, which we will enjoy tomorrow. Lucky Boy!
We love you Little Man! Happy Birthday from your Family!